Citation - Providence Gazette: 1768.10.15

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Index Entry Hail Wilkes, immortal in the list of fame [fl] 
Location Providence 
15 Oct 1768:43 (249)
Second edition.  Just published, and now selling . . . The
New-England Town and Country Almanack. . . [description of
contents, then]
  Hail Wilkes, immortal in the list of fame,
  Thy hateful foes shall hide their heads in shame,
  When you the sweets of liberty restore
  To Britain's isle, and who can wish for more?
  [signed] By Abraham Weatherwise, Gent.

Generic Title Providence Gazette 
Date 1768.10.15 
Publisher Goddard, Sarah, and Carter, John 
City, State Providence, RI 
Year 1768 
Bibliography B0041840
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